I reached college around 8.30am, study while waiting for the others.
Do i look nerd in this picture? : )
I left the exam hall earlier, around 11.00am as I finished answering the questions. When down to the Ground Floor and met with Emelia, Yee Lim, Kidd and Max. : )
It's Emelia! : )
Kidd told me that Max was late to college so he is not allowed to go in the exam hall. I was like, so shock and asked the others is it true. I trusted them, but they lied to me. They was just kidding with me. So sad.
It's Max!
Yee Lim scolded me and said: Liyinnn, why you so easy to tipu one? Haih...
I really so easy kena others tipu ma? I was wondering in my mind. I just hope someone never tipu me.
: (
However, I'm still very very very happy today. Cause GLT Exam is over and there'll be no more exam for me. After this, is semester break! Hooray. : )
After that, we went to Sushi King, Summit. Picha!
Ahhh. =O
I'm gonna eat this! Hmm.
Taste good, yummy.
Tempura, do you want?
Star: '' HAHAHA! "
I'mma big fat pig.
SMILE 1 : )
SMILE 2 : )
SMILE 3 : )
Haven't prepared * sorry *
Liyinnn, come lets take picture. : )
SMILE 4 : )
SMILE 5 : )
SMILE 6 : )
Yay! Can eat already. I want feed feed. : ) ♥
Joshua kena bullied by me and Emelia so badly. No one is pity of him despite he keep asking for help.
Who asked him to have face problem? Hehe, just kidding with you, Joshua.
Sorry, I know all this started by me. * P r o u d *
Look at poor Joshua...
Joshua, angkat barang!
And i think thats all for today.
Baobei, sorry ya. I don't know what to write about you here. But i wanted to tell you, I love you so much.
我 爱 你 ♥
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